On Ron’s Golden Oldies this week…
This week on the program we feature “American Graffiti” music from the movie released on August 1973…. 50 years ago this Thursday.
Streaming Live on Northside Radio FM99.3 Sydney’s leading Community Radio Station.
American Graffiti is a 1973 American coming-of-age comedy-drama film and is a study of the cruising and early rock ‘n’ roll cultures popular among teenagers in the early 1960s.
Great hit songs from the 50s and 60s
Through a series of vignettes, it tells the story of a group of teenagers in 1962 and their adventures over the course of a summer evening, as four teenage friends ponder their futures, navigating relationships centred around the cruising culture of their sleepy town in California’s San Joaquin valley.
After a madcap series of hilarious encounters, they each make decisions that will forever change their lives. Blending in top jukebox hits from the era, the movie shows life, fun and the music, teenagers enjoyed in a lively Saturday night around a typical small country town.
Stars included Ron Howard, Richard Dreyfuss and Harrison Ford among many others. Great hit songs from the 50s and 60s livens up the action of a well made movie window into teenage life in the early 60s
Ron will play songs from the original American Graffiti music score on Thursday’s show along with many more of the early pioneers.
Tune in this Thursday, noon to 4pm right here on Northside Radio
Text your jukebox requests to Ron on 0418 246812
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